Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Coles with Matan, Daniel, and Alistair. I did the following.

Dead Lifts (5x5): 130, 170, 180, 185, 195.
Back Squats (5x5): 145, 190, 200, 210, 215.
3 x 15 incline weighted situps (+35 pounds).
3 x 10 pullups.
Pushups: 22, 18, 6x10.

The situps and pullups were done together alternating one set of each. Originally I wanted to do Tabata pushups but Alistair did not have his timer and it turnerd out to difficult to follow the clock, so after two sets we opted for 6 more sets of 10 with a few seconds of break between each.

Everything felt hard.


brian said...

Do you work out mostly in the mornings now?

g said...

Actually, I went on Tuesday afternoon. I will try to go twice a week this semester, and I go usually when one of the other guys can, which tends to be in the afternoon.