snatch technique
power snatch + snatch (to 115)
strict muscle up + mature support + L-sit
snatch (125,135,4x145 [f1-3],2x155 [f1])
4x10 dips
~6 48" box jumps
Timing really off today. Loopy bar path. Maybe just plain tired, it being first full week back and all.
Wow, you either do it all out or not at all! First time back after so long and you are there every day.
Did you see the fight yesterday... ouch that eye!
Just bought another screamer, the one like Kenway has. BTW this latest issue of Climbing has a section devoted on ice and technique. Very helpful.
That was not even a fair fight! I was a bit disappointed that GSP just didn't shut it down earlier. A bit sad to watch by the end.
Yes. I wish he had finished it. Its too bad he's not willing to take more chances.
I actually enjoyed the fact that he stayed on his feet more this fight. But he was striking so easily, I thought for sure he would land a knock-out. Or at least some wicked combinations.
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