Tuesday, December 21, 2010

500 m row
front squat
good mornings

3x3 power clean (135)
15-13-12 dips

800 m row

At home:
3x10 neck raises (30#)

Power cleans really sucked. I hate this movement. God-damned center knurling on the bar chewed my neck up. Need to weight the dips soon. Rowing sucked, but I'm hoping it will improve now that I've stopped smoking.

Scale seems to indicate I'm up 7 pounds in the last month or so. Think I'm just regaining some lost muscle.


g said...

OK, we definitely haven't seen you in too long. I don't remember you smoking...

brian said...

Long story short, Kenway and I went to Lisbon. I came back a smoker again. Fill you in over a beer(s)...