Wednesday, December 22, 2010


I am heading off to Canada, and thus for a while I will be traveling all the time, I won't have access to a gym, and I'll be eating and drinking to much. However, Kenway and I (and potentially someone else?) are meeting in Denver on January 7th for some ice climbing. Hence in an effort to have some semblance of fitness when we get there, Dr. Louie, I issue a challenge to you, and here it is: that between now and then we each do 1000 squats and 500 pullups. That's about 100 squats and 50 pullups per day not counting the weekends and Xmas. What do you say? BTW anyone else is welcome to join.


Joana said...

50 pullups a day??????

kenny g said...

um crap, guess i'm in by default. let me see if there's any way to do pullups in indiana...

brian said...

Always a doorframe. May not always support you.

g said...

I am planning on using the 2nd floor which I can grab when at the bottom of the stairs on the first floor.

brian said...

What kind of hobbit house is that???

g said...

French-Canadian hobbit. The ceiling on the first floor must be about 7 feet tall. I think it used to be a grain barn, but French-Canadians were also very short on average.

And yes Joana 50 a day. Are you in?

kenny g said...

Tried the doorframe pullups, btw, and nearly pulled the moulding off its nails. Gonna wait for the gym...