Thursday, December 23, 2010

100 air squats
back squat (to 195)

3x5 back squat (high-bar; 210)
3x5 shoulder press (2x100,95)

5x10 pullups
3x10 neck raises (30#)

Squats felt good, needed an extra breath on the last rep. Should be able to get to 225# on schedule without a problem, up 5# next week. Finally remembering how to press, Will try sets across next time...

Guess I'm in the challenge.

Damn, how do I get my back like this:


g said...

Crap, you're ahead of me already! I am planning to get started tomorrow.

Received some more birthday gifts. So the new gear for this year's ice (beside new slings, binners, and rope) are: 3 screws (10, 16, and 22 cm), 1 mammut shock absorber ( and one Yates zipper screamer (

g said...

First set done. 100 air squat + 50 pullups.