Tuesday, March 1, 2011


crossfit WOD 110301

We modified this one so heavily I'm not sure it still qualifies as the same workout.

"McCluskey" (modified)

Three rounds of:
9 Dips
15 Burpees
21 Pull-ups

Run 800 meters

JL: 25:12 (2nd round 18 pull-ups, 3rd round 12 pull-ups)
SS: 23:25

I had every intention of doing a 21-15-9 of high pulls and OHS's that was put up a few days ago, but we went with this one instead. We only intentionally subbed the dips for the muscle-ups. Changing the burpee pull-ups to burpees and cutting running from the first two rounds was accidental, but in retrospect probably a really good idea. Took me quite a while to catch my breath after this one, likely because Wednesday to Saturday was spent drinking with prospective graduate students. For some reason my elbow is feeling janky too, but that should resolve itself in a few days.


kenny g said...

Nice to see you getting back to it...

Scott said...

Yep, haven't felt that bad in a while. Didn't go into shock from oxygen deprivation, so I must be acclimatizing, but it still hurt. Especially those burpees. MAN. I couldn't do anything with those. I'd do five or so and then wait 10-15 secs to catch my breath. I really don't recall burpees ever being that difficult. I might have to work them into some sort of cooldown routine.

Scott said...

which is of course the opposite of a cooldown routine