Sunday, January 9, 2011

500 m row
snatch technique
power snatch + snatch (to 115)

5x2 snatch (5x135, f2 of last set)
3x3 back squat (215,2x220)

3 rounds:
prowler sprint (90#, lower handles, then upper handles)
10 (per side) sandbag half-moons

The prowler is absolutely horrible. As Keith described it, "Hell incarnate". I haven't felt so bad since the last time we did rowing intervals when Kenway went into asthmatic fits, and we thought we had to call the doctor, but we weren't sure which one of us would manage to unstrap to do it in time. This thing is awesome. Seriously, very, very humbling. You guys interested in trying it out next weekend?


g said...

How tempting! I had never seen those. I'll let you know if I am around next weekend (and I have regained the ability to use my legs properly).

Seems like your fitness is coming back quickly.

brian said...

Friday night is another possibility (beer after?).

Trip report?!?!

dep said...

Why is that supposed to sound tempting!?! Worse, why does it sound tempting to me!!! I'll try to get my gym membership setup by this weekend...

brian said...

As an alternative to finding a Prowler in Lisbon, you should just run stairs with Joe, only do it for time. I guarantee you will feel just as bad.

kenny g said...

Stairs for time, I can't help but think of this as punishment (a notion my rowing coach in college was very familiar with).

kenny g said...

A blog post is coming soon, but suffice it to say our foray to the Rockies was an, uh, adventure. If not for G pushing me, we might still be out shivering in the wilderness.

Righteous suffering, indeed.