Thursday, August 12, 2010

court sprints, vertical jumps
dynamic stretching

3x3 deadlift
KL: (135x5, 185x5, 225x3, 275x2 then 315/325/335 x3)
ED: (warm-up to 225 then 245/275/295 x3)

butterfly kipping practice, KTE, towel pull-ups

A little heavy lifting before Coles shuts down for a week of maintenance - guess it's time to shift to bodyweight work and sprinting. Deads felt solid, switched to a mixed grip for the last set @335. Eric's form looked good given so much time away from the lift, a little shooting of the hips early but nothing major.

Helpful tutorial vid from Chris Spealer re: the butterfly kip:


g said...

What are the benefits of the butterfly kip? Over a static pull-up for instance.

kenny g said...

The idea behind the kipping pullup (regular or butterfly technique) is to increase the power output - more work done in a given time.

It does so essentially by adding leg and hip drive to gain momentum and decrease turnover time. Less work for the arms, though. Main goal is to get more pullups done in a shorter time for timed workouts...