Tuesday, August 3, 2010

A bolder shoulder

dynamic stretching
Burgener warm-up
snatch balance + snatch + OHS (45, 65)

3x5 shoulder press (45x5, 65x5, 75x3, 85x2 then 90/95/100[f5]x5)

4 rounds (3 reps L, 3 reps R with 35# db):
2x3 dumbbell snatches
2x3 dumbbell push presses
2x3 overhead dumbbell lunge

KL: 6:01

Probably not a good idea to pair this metcon with shoulder presses, but seemed like one at the time. Workout modeled on CF South Brooklyn 072810, but I'm not quite sure how they did their rounds/L-R splits. Killer done this way...

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