Thursday, December 25, 2008

PMenu WOD, Day 5, Week 1, Bulgarian 2

back squat (high-bar; to 2x2x225#)
snatch pull + power snatch (to 100#; video of last couplet here)

Performance Menu WOD 111508
3x1x90% snatch (120#)
3x1x90% clean & jerk (160#)
2x2x90% back squat (high-bar, belt; 250)

Warmed up with a bunch of snatch pull + power snatch to try and keep my heels down a bit longer. Didn't seem to work, and the two pulls don't look the same. Will video more of these to make sure I'm not janking my mechanics with the pull.

Squat snatches felt good. I warmed up with singles to 115. Only managed to catch the first rep at 120 on video cause someone wanted to use the bench, but all three felt very similar. I can see a bit of a donkey-kick, but more worrisome is that fact that the barbell separates from my body fairly early (I think).

Cleans felt much better than jerks. I warmed up with singles to 155. Based on the set of videos, I focused on getting rid of that stupid double pump thing in setting up and shrugging hard at the top.

It's probably time to post to the PMenu forums to get some advice on improving things.

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