Monday, August 11, 2014

Can you believe it? Climbing!

Going in.
On Friday, Kenway, Will and I finally did some climbing after months of no activity. We headed for the Nears and tackled two climbs: Layback (5.5) and Broken Sling (5.8+).

I lead Layback, which I thought had a nice variety of types of moves. Not easy given my current shape, but not huge problems either. Will went next followed by Kenway. The starting chimney gave them both a bit of difficulty. I think this was mainly due to their taller frame.
The layback.

Broken Sling was co-lead by Kenway and I. He did the first (most difficult) part and I did the end. The first few moves are really hard and feel dangerous with no protection. The rest was OK except that I displayed some serious Elvis legs.

Just past the start.
Not climbing regularly means I often doubt whether I can do a move, hold a pose, make a clip; the hesitation than leads to more fatigue and the performance suffers. There's definitely some lack of confidence to work on, or rather to understand exactly what I can and cannot do right now.

Will still has his natural understanding of how sequences should go.

Fun to be back, we should climb more.


brian said...

Awesome! Looks like a fine day to make a return!

g said...

Temperature was perfect and the place was empty. Not bad at all.