Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Now What?

There it is, today was day 100 of my burpee challenge, which means I have done 5050 burpees in 100 days. I tried to finish strong by doing them in 3 sets (as opposed to the 4 sets I have been doing in the last couple of weeks). I did 45, 30 and 25.

The question is what do I do next? I could try to stay at 100 per day, and although that would be great, I doubt I can sustain this everyday. I could lower it, but then what is the right number? I could also keep going and see how long I can go (I suspect it would be hard to find the time to do more than 150). I could also take it back down to about 60 and add a different exercise, but which one? Keep in mind this is the only exercise I have managed to consistently squeeze into my schedule so I would really like to find something I'll continue doing.



brian said...


100 pushups
100 pullups

100 burpees for time

These people seem obsessed with absurd challenges:

Many to choose from.

Daniel said...

Congratulations on finishing! That's no small feat.

As for what to do now...How about nothing? Take some time off from challenges and insane volume and focus on your training. Then, if you need another challenge, try something useful to climbing, like pullups or Turkish get-ups.

g said...

Its not that I want another challenge, its just that for some reason I could find the time to do this in my day, which is not true of going to the gym (which typically takes at least 1.5 hours between leaving the office and coming back). But of course there are much better things to do, and you are right that finding stuff that benefits my climbing would be good.

I'll think about it more tomorrow morning as I do my burpees... maybe.