Sunday, July 6, 2008

Texas, week 0, intensity

back squat (triples to 135#)
wall slides

4x1 back squat (185,205,225,235)
4x1 shoulder press (95,105,110 [f], 110 [push])

3x12 face pulls (60)
3x8 weighted back extensions (45# plate)

I should of listened to the voice in my head saying that I didn't have the juice for singles today. Oh well, didn't listen, and it shows in the weights. Presses sucked. Squats were OK, but while racking the last rep, the bar rolled and I twisted my shoulder in a weird way.


kenny g said...

Looks like a nice program. Why is this week 0?

brian said...

Just feeling out the weights I'm gonna be using to start the Volume day with. This is the hardest thing to figure out. Too high, and you smash yourself; too low, and you don't stimulate anything.

kenny g said...

Nice numbers - is that a squat PR?

brian said...

Yeah, for a low-bar squat. I think I had at least 10, possibly 20 more pounds, but I wrenched my shoulder pretty bad racking the weight on the last rep.