Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Elements Class #6: Fight Gone Bad


"Fight Gone Bad"

3 rounds of:

With a continuously running clock do 1 minute of each exercise for max reps (cals for the row)
10' wall ball shots (20#)
SDHP (65#)
box jump (2')
push press (65#)

1 minute rest between rounds
Score is total number of reps + cals

wall ball: 28, 15, 15 = 58
SDHP: 21, 15, 17 = 53
jump: 19, 12, 10 = 41
pp: 19, 12, 10 = 41
row: 17, 11, 12 = 40

SS: 233

Man this exercise really sucked. Until the end of the second round I thought I had to do five rounds of all of it, and I was pretty close to despair. It made three rounds seem much better. We did this in two heats with the class and I was in the first heat. I didn't fully recover until well after the second heat had finished. I think this workout is typically rx'd at 75#


brian said...

Nice dude! This is one I never get to do since its impossible to arrange the equipment in my gym. Sounds fun!

Scott said...

Yeah, I'd always wanted to try it myself. I thought it would be bad, but it was somehow more brutal than expected. It was cool though because they had two coaches running around telling people to keep going, take short breaks, get under that bar!, etc. I seriously hated them in the middle of the workout.