Monitoring health by counting heartbeats
It's often the case that high-intensity workouts (like Fran or Tabata sprints) cause your heart rate to skyrocket in order to meet the metabolic demands of active muscle. Remarkably, the flow of blood to active muscles may increase to four or five times that of resting cardiac output. Just as remarkable is the fact that your heart rate will typically drop 40% five minutes after exercise completion. These dramatic changes in heart rate are controlled by the sympathetic and parasympathetic components of the autonomic nervous system; sympathetic activation increases cardiac acceleration, contractility and coronary constriction whereas parasympathetic activation promotes cardiac deceleration and coronary dilation. Your heart rate response to exercise is largely determined by the balance of these two systems.
The second measure is heart rate reserve, the difference between maximal heart rate and resting heart rate. A smaller dynamic range is associated with increased risk of death from any cause, especially heart attack (Jouven et al., 2005), and a failure to reach predicted peak heart rates during graded exercise is predictive of increased mortality and coronary heart disease incidence (Lauer et al., 1996).
Finally, the last measure is heart rate recovery, the difference between maximal heart rate and heart rate measured some fixed time after cessation of exercise (usually 1 or 2 minutes). The failure to drop at least 30 bpm within 1 minute is associated with increase risk of heart attack. A smaller decrease in heart rate suggests a dysfunction of the parasympathetic system, since the decrease in heart rate immediately following exercise is primarily due to parasympathetic reactivation (Imai et al., 1994; Raymond, 2004).
The above figure bins together all the data below 25 bpm recovery, but if you look more closely at lower ranges, an association with risk of death is even more apparent. For all you stats geeks, below is a conditional trellis plot (click the figure to see a larger version) that illustrates risk of all-cause mortality as a function of age, fitness, peak heart rate and heart rate recovery (Ishwaran et al., 2004). Age is a binary grouping indicated by the orange bars (left column is younger than 45 yo and the right column is older than 45 yo). Fitness is a categorical variable indicated by the green bars (least fit in the top row proceeding to most fit in the bottom row). Peak heart rate and heart rate recovery (measured 1 minute after ceasing exercise) are plotted for each subject for whichever panel they correspond to (age x fitness). That's five freakin variables!

It's worth pointing out that these heart rate measures are not independent (Jouven et al., 2005); in fact they're highly correlated, suggesting that they may be different measures of the same disorder. And while the mechanism(s) underlying the association of these heart rate measures with increased mortality and heart disease remain unknown, the data are consistent with the idea that autonomic system imbalance predisposes people to life-threatening arrythmias (Jouven et al., 2005).
Aside from their utility for predicting death, these measures are also interesting because they can be modified by training. Following training, heart rate recovery is accelerated (Darr et al., 1988; Imai et al., 1994; Sugawara et al., 2001) and resting heart rate is decreased (Wilmore et al., 2008). Changes to maximal heart rate are less clear, with some evidence for a slight decrease following endurance training (Darr et al., 1988; Wilmore et al., 2008). So if you're bored, or looking for another way to track progress, break out the stopwatch or heart rate monitor and start logging! Indeed, Levine (1997) showed that the total number of heartbeats in a lifetime is remarkably constant across a wide range of variation in mammals.If we take seriously the idea that a human heart is physiologically predetermined to beat ~3 billion times in a lifetime, perhaps it wouldn't hurt to make reducing your resting heart rate an objective.
Nice overview Brian.
Is it known whether the cardiac benefits associated with an increased heart rate reserve are contributed by decreased resting HR or an increased max HR?
This question sort of assumes that max HR can vary, either due to training or disease. I always assumed the 220-age was heuristic based on population average ; my HR can clearly go above my allotted range.
Good question. It seems that maximal heart rate can vary across individuals (you and I are good examples), but doesn't change very much with training.
Heart rate recovery isn't entirely independent of resting heart rate or peak heart rate, but it may measure something slightly different, as it deals with vagal reactivation following a stimulus, whereas resting heart rate has more to do with basal tone?
Yeah, mine will definitely break the 220-age barrier too, but I'm pretty sure the heuristic wasn't designed as a hard and fast rule. If it does represent the mean HR, I wonder what the variance is. There are some max HRs on the crazy 8 dimensional plot that are below 100
I noticed it said in the link that endurance athletes tend to have a lower maximal heart rate. I was wondering where that came from, and if they tested the max HR between other types of athletes and untrained individuals.
Ya, those people in the 100 range are not doing well. The failure to increase your heart rate appropriately is known as chronotropic incompetence, and it's a good predictor of cardiovascular mortality.
You can see some data on maximal heart rates here. Time zero represents maximal heart rate, and you can see that it changes with age and training status.
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