Friday, November 30, 2007

overhead squat to 95#
push press + push jerk to 110#

Performance Menu WOD 113007
5x(1+2) snatch push press + OHS (95,105,115,125,130)
3x(1+1+1) power clean + push press + push jerk (115,2x120)

3 rounds:
10 (per side) cross-chops (35# plate)
15 kipping pull-ups

3x 300 m treadmill

Modded the metcon component due to equipment constraints and the fact that sprinting on a treadmill didn't strike me as a great idea. Everything else felt good, except for the push press that connected with my chin. I haven't power cleaned in awhile, so catching high took a little getting used to.


Scott said...

Is the snatch push press just a push press in a snatch grip (like we usually do, but in front instead of racked on the shoulders)?

Nice weight on the OHS too.

And sprinting on the treadmill is great until you have to stop.

brian said...

You got it.

Getting started isn't easy either. It's not like you can just go from zero to sprinting on those treadmills; there is some weird built-in mechanism that prevents you from ramping the speed up too fast.