Sunday, September 2, 2007

I hate running

0.5 mi jog

WOD 070830
Run 5k

2x1 min front planks
3x8 (per arm) windmills (30# KB)

Ran on a treadmill (1% incline, set between 7.1-7.6). I didn't find this fun at all, was really thinking I could stick to a 8'/mi pace. Guess it's time to work more aerobic conditioning in. I wore a heart rate monitor, and it was consistently above 170 bpm, peaking at 202 bpm. This seems abnormally high for such slow running?? Poor efficiency?

Mean heart rates recorded during 10 minutes of recovery after peak exercise, sorted by age and training status. Source: Darr et al., 1988.


kenny g said...

Nice work! A couple of reasons for the increased heart rate, off the top of my head:
1) the incline - working against gravity adds a surprising amount of work
2) breathing - i *always* have breathing issues, so not being used to this kind of aerobic work means you might have efficiency to gain

kenny g said...

And I hate running too...

brian said...

Breathing sounds right, I was a bit congested this afternoon, so that makes sense.

kenny g said...

Key question: how do they divide old and young?

brian said...

Young were <= 29 yo (mean, ~25)

Old were >=49 yo (mean, ~55)

kenny g said...

Young were <= 29 yo
