Sunday, September 2, 2007


WOD 070902

Five rounds for time of:
30 Glute-ham sit-ups
25 Back extensions

I used a suggestion on the board today for the GHSUs

"I lower the bar on a smith machine all the way down and put some weight on it, then move a bench parallel to the bar and sit on that while locking your legs around the bar."

The smith machine (at Palladium) is really far from the back extension equipment so I subbed good mornings with a 45# bar instead.

SS: ~14:30 (time is accurate, but estimated from non-digital clock with no second hand)

The setup was pretty cool today, and some people in the gym had definitely never seen that before. There were some people waiting to get in on that as soon as I got off. Also, I occasionally hit my head on the ground, but it was pretty soft, so no damage done.


brian said...

Way to make do! For your reading pleasure: The wrath of the GHD.

Scott said...

I'll be sure to let you know if my scrotum swells.

But seriously these situps were very hard. I wasn't doing them super fast, but I wasn't breaking up the set much either (20-10 towards the end) and there was a lot of burn. I feel fine now, but we'll see about tomorrow.

kenny g said...

That sounds totally fun, I'll see if I can give it a try...