Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Fran... man.

warm up:
face pulls
overhead press

Fran: 21, 15, 9 of

95# thrusters

Ok, so I decided to try this as Rx'd today since I don't think I've ever totally done it. The pullups were surprisingly easy, but those thrusters were brutal. Anyway, I was on the last set of thrusters, so I had 9 (3x3) to go, and my right arm gets a little twinge after the third rep. I push through for another set of three but now it felt really bad so I figured I should quit.

but dammit! I could've finished this one. 3 thrusters left! ah well... At that point my time was 17:35


Scott Schafer said...

And I notice that Fran seems to be popular when we go to the gym on our own.

kenny g said...

That's because it's short (not sweet)...

Way to push through it, that 95# gets very heavy very quickly.

brian said...

95# is crazy! Where's your arm hurt? I feel like thrusters actually have a high potential to fuck up shoulders, but maybe that's just me.

Nice work though, surprised you couldn't get KL to go!

kenny g said...

Yeah, life intervened...

And by life, I mean the nypd tow truck.

kenny g said...

Oh, Brian, I owe you a muscle milk, I'll bring it in tomorrow...

Flavor request?

brian said...

Chocolate milk please.

Sucks bout the towing. Hope the car came back in one piece.

Scott Schafer said...

Well, it's debatable whether it was in one piece to begin with. Were you actually able to drive it from the towing place or did you have to get it towed to a different lot?

Yeah, my right arm start twinging pretty bad on the dorsolateral part, above the bicep, and right around the shoulder area. It feels fine today, but my traps are a little sore. You coming in today?

brian said...

Yes, ME lower today?

Scott Schafer said...

Sure, sounds good to me.