Friday, February 13, 2015

Mixing it up

In reverse chronological order since last posts:

Running class (which includes an interlude of core workouts)
Bridge + 8# Medicine Ball Abductors, 2x15
Arm raises (to 90 degrees, palms out), 5x5 (15, 15, 15, 17.5, 20)
Finger rolls, 5x5 (30, 35, 40, 45, 50)
Pullups, 2x10
Overhead press, 5x5 (65, 75, 80, 75, 65)
Wall prayer stretch

Vertical cable chop, 2x15
Good mornings
Cable single arm row with reverse lunge, 2x15
Bridge + 8# Medicine Ball Abductors, 2x15
All fours single arm over head press, 2x15 (5)
Rowing, 500m

Running stairs, 3x10

What I refer to as Finger rolls involves letting a dumbbell in each hand roll to the tip of your fingers and then back up (just open and close the hands).

I have been trying to push it at those running classes. Here's a running video that Kenway found that has a good vibe (his words) for inspiration. For the HD version go here

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