Friday, January 23, 2015

low-bar back squat (5x45, 5x45 then 3x5x65)
overhead press (3x5x45)
power clean (5x3x45)

2x5 dips

Beginning a simple linear Starting Strength cycle today. It was a mental hurdle to start the weights so low, but in a few weeks I think I will likely appreciate the caution. Plan is to go 3x a week, alternating the workouts:

Workout A Workout B
3x5 squat 3x5 squat
3x5 bench press 3x5 overhead press
1x5 deadlift 5x3 power cleans
chinups/pullups dips

Hoping to take the next 2-3 months to see how much strength I can build back. The weight room at the Y was half full at 5:45 but managed to get on the (one) squat rack.

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