Tuesday, January 27, 2009

back squat (high-bar; to 3x225)
overhead squat (to 4x135)
split jerk (to 2x115)

7x1 split jerk (2x125,135,145,150,3x155)
5x1 clean (155,165,3x175)
5x2 back squat (low-bar, belt; 245,255,3x260)

~10 box jumps (46-48")

My abs are still wrecked from the GHD situps on Saturday, so everything was shitty today. The box jumps were fun, onto a short wall (from a slightly slanted floor). Missed most of the ones closer to 48", got my feet up but couldn't quite stick them. Got some crazy looks for doing those too.

1 comment:

kenny g said...

Damn, Chinese man *can* jump!