Monday, January 19, 2009

back squat
good mornings

10-8-6-4-2-2 overhead squat (45,65,95,115,125,135)
hang power snatch + hang snatch (to 115#)
6x1 snatch (115 [f4])
3x8 RDL (135)

Snatches were a bit off. Two obvious problems: 1) feet not moving to landing stance, causing my balance to be fairly precarious in the bottom position, 2) back angle changes due to hips rising faster than shoulders. More snatch balances for 1), and I think I see why Coach was using the cue to pull the shins back in the first pull. I think I may change the back angle to allow the bar to clear my knees; if I pull the knees back to allow the bar to pass (perhaps flaring them as well), I may get away with a better back angle?

The first pull of the fifth snatch (some video here):

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