One thing at a time
back squat (high-bar; to 2x2x245#)
split jerk (2x95#,2x105#)
10x1 clean & jerk (2x135,2x145,4x155,2x165)
2-2-2-1 hang snatch (45,65,75,75)
3 rounds:
21 wall ball (12# ball, 10 ft target)
1 (per arm) TGU + windmill (20kg KB)
Reviewing videos can be frustrating since it's easy to find many faults. The trick is figuring out which things to tweak first. Change too many things and you run the risk of fucking everything up. For the clean, I focused on the first pull, really trying to set my back and keep my arch and back angle constant through the initial part of the clean. Was able to do this at the lighter weights, but there were a few at 155# and 165# where my arch collapses and my hips lead (see last two lifts in the C+J vid). For the jerk, I tried to plant my back foot correctly, knee bent and on the toes.I wasn't as successful as I had hoped in keeping my heels down during the hang snatches. It is slightly better than before, but I'll have to wait and see how things go at heavier weights from the floor. I suspect that the lack of a heel on my shoes is part of the problem, so hopefully my new lifting shoes (courtesy of the wife) will make it through the mail soon.
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