Tuesday, November 25, 2008


A short, but excellent night of climbing. We split into pairs, so I mostly remember what Joana & I did. I climbed three 11s (Obe green, blue, white). The green and white were spectacular; reachy, technical and right at my limit. Joana climbed three 10s and a stiff 9; took Guillaume's 'no take' policy literally, making a great effort at climbing an awkward 10 (blue) clean, popping off the last move after downclimbing and redoing a sequence at the bottom. Strong work.

G and Kenway alternated leading and toproping, starting off with a black route in the corner (looked like a recipe for a ping-pong disaster). I didn't catch much else except G making nice work of the white 11. Welcome back to K, who looked strong as ever despite close to a month off climbing.

And just cause it's been driving me crazy, I finally sent the green V4 (to the right of the cave); awkward left sloper to right gaston; high step to left pinch followed by right pinch and a left two-finger pocket. Delicious.

Oh, and unicycles are hard to ride. I am genuinely surprised that nobody managed to hurt themselves.

Sonnie Trotter: The thin edge of possibility

1 comment:

g said...

I wish I could say "the 12s are fun, but the 13s and 14s are just more fun..."