Saturday, October 18, 2008

Texas, week 15, recovery

front squat (triples to 185#)
foam rolling hip flexors

3x3 front squat (210)
3x5 bench press (145)
2-2-5 deadlift (hook grip; 315)

Planned on some running since I've committed to a 5k next weekend, but I'm congested, so I'll try again tomorrow. Front squats are getting heavy; the last reps were slow. Real happy pulling 5x315 without straps using a hook grip; last time required a mixed grip, and my best set of 5 with straps is only 30# more.

At the end of week 16, I'm going to start shifting to more Oly lifting. Here is more knowledge from Glenn Pendlay for future reference.


kenny g said...

Brian, do you plan on switching back to the high-bar squat?

brian said...

Probably gonna work out some sort of rotation.