Thursday, October 23, 2008

Finally, 2.5xBW deadlift for 5 reps

back squat (triples to 185#)

5-5-3-3 back squat (235)
5x5 shoulder press (100)
2-2-5 deadlift (315 [hook], 335 [hook], 355 [straps])

3x1.5min front plank

Backed out of the 5k due to lingering congestion, so I threw a workout in. The beauty of strength training is that you don't really need the lungs to be 100%. Unfortunately, the squats sucked today, couldn't focus for shit. Thankfully, I redeemed myself with the deadlift; the last rep was a bit stiff-legged, but I'll take it. That said, I probably shouldn't have deadlifted today, I would have been better off with a less stressful exercise (haltings or RDLs).


kenny g said...

Nice job, B!

I'm not sure that's even a reasonable target for me: 5 reps @ 2.5*170 = 425! My 1RM is 375ish...

brian said...

Just lose weight till you're as skinny as me!