Monday, September 15, 2008

Deadhead: Texas, week 2 , volume

deadlifts to 225

5x5 deadlift (275)

Wanted to squat today, but short on time and the rack was taken. Deadlifts felt okay, though about deloading after the first few sets because I could feel my lower back collapsing on initial hip drive. Kept the load the same, focusing on technique helped correct much of the problem.

Still felt heavy though.


brian said...

That's a lot of volume for deadliftin. You gonna feel that tomorrow!

kenny g said...

Yeah, I can kinda feel it now. Figured I'd go heavy, as I didn't have time for anything else today (well, except burpees).

Think next volume session I'll stick to squats and shoulders, with maybe a lower volume of power cleans or deadlifts.

brian said...

Since the deadlift is so taxing, people typically recommend a single set of 5 reps on either the volume or intensity days.

I'm convinced now that my enthusiasm for the deadlift is slowing my progress (started pulling doubles twice a week). I'm gonna back off and eat more and hopefully stave off a plateau for a bit longer.

Scott said...

Why do you think deadlift enthusiasm is slowing your progress? Do you just mean you're lifting too often and not resting enough?

Watch out for that rest though, coming back off of it hurts.

brian said...

Yeah too much volume, I'm not recovering fast enough.

Must. Eat. More.

Scott said...


Hey, have you noticed we have followers?