Monday, September 15, 2008




5 pull-ups (AS sub jumping pull-ups)
10 push-ups (AS sub knee push-ups)
15 squats

SS: 12 rounds + 3 pull-ups
AS: 8 rounds + 10 push-ups

Meh, better showing than last time, but I was able to do kipping pull-ups so I'm not sure it's a fair comparison. Went home and made myself some sweet & sour chicken and some meatloaf. Adrienne had a pretty good showing on the Coles roof today. They had some plyo boxes up there so she was able to get her jumping pull-up on. I tend to think that the jumping pull-up is much better to train the actual pull when compared to the machine in the weight room. I initially thought that because 'crossfit said so' but when Adrienne's tired she can scrunch her torso and then extend on the machine to let the weight push her up. No such luck with the jumping pull-up :) Seriously though, she really rocked it tonight. She's even got the knee scrapes to prove it!

1 comment:

brian said...

Nice! Those plyo boxes are begging for something that requires box jumps!