Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Elements Class #4

Went to the fourth elements class, and the second class pertaining to the slow lifts.

squat to 135#
overhead press to 85#
deadlift to 215#

5x3 back squat (155, 2x165)
5x3 overhead press (2x95, 105)
5x1 deadlift (245)

Low bar squats hurt the shoulders something fierce.


brian said...

How you liking the classes Scott?

Scott said...

I like them alot. It's good to get a different opinion on how I do different lifts and such. There's a lot of form improvements that I've been able to make since I've started. We'll be working on the complex lifts next class, so we'll see how that goes...

brian said...

What are complex lifts? Olympic lifts?