Sunday, April 6, 2008

The gift that keeps on giving

3x10 pull-ups, dips, air squats

crossfit WOD 080402

5 rounds for time: (subbed 3 rounds for drinkin' time constraints)
30 GHSUs
25 back extensitons (subbed 45# good mornings)

SS: 9:09 [(1:34)(1:09), (1:54)(1:08), (2:15)(1:09)]
ED: 11:45 [(2:01)(1:19), (2:55)(1:17), (3:12)(1:01)]

So this post is going up late, since we did this workout on the 4th, but right now my inner thigh is really freaking sore. Those GHSUs are killer!

Last time I did this with full five rounds.