Thursday, April 24, 2008


Crossfit WOD 080424


For time:
100 Pull-ups
100 Push-ups
100 Sit-ups
100 Squats

SS 33:23 (approx times: 13:00,10:00, 5:00, 5:30)

It was a beautiful day outside, so I did Angie on the roof today. That means the pull-ups were done on the fat bar, but I'm not sure how much that has to do with my drop in time from the previous (complete) attempt. Pull-ups definitely faded fast, sets went 14, 3, and then twos and ones. Push-ups were down to three to four reps, and squats were at 10-13 reps. Sit-ups were completed in three sets though: 51, 29, 20. Towards the end, I was having some problems getting myself all the way up for the pull-ups, so I didn't get my chin up for all counted pull-ups, though at the least my nose was to the bar for each rep. I half wonder if I should do these jumping if I can't complete the pull-ups properly. Work the full ROM and all that.


Scott said...

As a side note, my DOMS from squats monday were finally subsiding. Damn it all.

kenny g said...

Way to fight through it...

brian said...

Well, at least it was beautiful outside.

The new avatar is a very appropriate Kenway.

kenny g said...

Less smoking, more climbing