Sunday, March 23, 2008

Heavy gravity day

Kenway and I had one of those climbing days where gravity just seems stronger than usual. The warm-ups left us pretty pumped and it just went downhill. There were some nice new 5.10/5.10+/5.11-s, but a combination of sloppy sequencing and poor footwork left us hangdogging our way through the climbs. Despite this, the climbing was fun (lots of stemming).

Curious what you weigh on Jupiter?


kenny g said...

Wow, tough day today. Feels like due more to overworking lifting rather than underclimbing; just fighting quick onset muscle failure all day.

Forces you to be efficient, fer sure...

brian said...

The lead test would have been a hoot.

kenny g said...

If by a hoot you mean "scary flailing shaky trembling clipfest nightmare", then yes, it would have been a hoot...

Just one of those days, it's a good reminder that sometimes you have to rely on technique over strength. Those stems are a godsend when you find them, aren't they?