Friday, January 25, 2008

Oh So Nasty

WOD 080125

"Nasty Girls"

3 rounds for time of:
50 Squats
7 Muscle-ups (subbed 28 pull-ups, 28 dips)
135 pound Hang power cleans, 10 reps (subbed 95#)

SS: 39:38

Whew, barely got that in under 40 minutes. This workout was good, and I was able to maintain a fairly good pace through everything except the pull-up/ dip pairs. I broke it up into 4 pull-up/ 4 dip groups, and I was doing it on the assist rack (without assistance, though I questioned that later) so kipping was out of the question. My arms went to muscle failure fairly rapidly and I was quickly forced to do the pull-ups in singles and doubles. I could usually fire off a good four during the first set of a given round though. The problem was that since I was going so slow on the pull-ups I feel I lost alot of the metabolic crashdown intent of the workout. The cleans were hard, but I probably could have used more weight. I wasn't sure how my arms would feel and I didn't want to kill anybody when the weight went flying. I probably could have done at least 115#, if not the rx'd 135. Next time.

1 comment:

kenny g said...

Strong work Scottle!

I'm going to give this a try later, definitely a little leery about doing those cleans at full weight so I might sub down as well...