Wednesday, November 28, 2007

There was another guy singing in the lockerroom today...

CFWUx2 (15 sit-up, 15 GM45#, 15 OHS45#, 10 dips, 10 pull-ups)

5x3 squat (2x115, 2x135, 155)

*extensive glute & hamstring stretching

1 x barbell complex, 45#

4x60 sec plank (front, Rside, Lside, front)

Today felt really weak. Had intended to do a 7x3 back squat with a warm-up to 135 and starting at 155, but I half-pulled my hamstring on the last set. The squats themselves were really easy, but I think my muscles were complaining about being put to work after falling into disuse. So, rather than risk pulling anything for real I stretched and did some lightweight stuff to cool down. Tomorrow I think I'll do a good 15 minutes of stretching after the warm-up to really get the kinks out. Ideally I could just do it through the day, though I honestly don't see that happening.


Scott said...

Oh, and about the singing. The guy was singing Marilyn Manson, so I'm not sure if it counts.

brian said...

Did ya sing along?

Seriously though, careful with the stretching, it can actually aggravate a pull. If you think you did something to your hamstring, rest, ice it and ibuprofen if necessary.