Friday, August 17, 2007

Row, Row, Row Your Boat

The workout today consisted of three grueling rounds.

1.5m canoe paddle while drinking beer
1.5h lunch, while drinking beer followed by drunken swimming for 0.5h
1.5m canoe paddle while drinking beer, including racing (and swamping) other canoes.

It was tough going but everyone made it to the end. It was so tough, in fact, that we had to drink more beer (and eat some Japanese treats) before we could call it a day.

Well done, everyone!


kenny g said...

Allright, hate to be the semantics disciplinarian, but... it's PADDLING, dammit, not rowing!

brian said...

Did any of your pics come out?

kenny g said...

I didn't bring a camera, there was a disposable waterproof one that Paul's developing today, should be some good pics there. Think Eric took a few, but he's off on vacation...

I was VERY tired by the end of last night.

kenny g said...

Brian, some of Eric's pics are now on the server...

brian said...

Pics are good. We did 6 miles total, no?