Thursday, August 9, 2007

ME Lower

ED: PT leg work
SS&KL: snatch balance, OHS, back squat

5x [5 squats, 5 L-pullups]
SS: 155, 165, 165 (last 3 at 155), 155, 160
KL: 165, 175, 3x185
ED: 2x45, 55, 2x65

cooldown (hah!):
3x20 renegade rows, 20#

Somewhat of a form day, as everyone really focused on getting as low as possible. Definitely approaching 5 rep max towards the end there. L-pullups were nice to do today as well.


kenny g said...

Nice job Scott working all the way through the range of motion. This will pay leg strength dividends down the line.

185# really was my 5 rep max by the last 2 or 3 rounds, was close to stopping on the way up. Found myself bouncing into the bottom to get started on the return drive - not sure I needed to but sure felt like I might fail if I didn't.

One thing that really seemed to help my posture, mentioned in one of the Crossfit posts recently: rotating the elbows backwards really seats the bar on the traps, squeezes the scapula back, and helps to set a firm upper chest and shoulders.

kenny g said...

And kudos to Eric - starting to weight the knee!

brian said...

Cool, good to see you're loading that knee Eric.