Thursday, August 30, 2007

Dodge the pedestrian! Inhale the exhaust! Go Go Go!

WOD 070830

For time, Run 5K

SS: 25:15

Ran during lunch today. All the NYU freshman are back, so I may have added some distance just moving from side to side. All in all a good run. It took a lot of willpower to keep from stopping on certain parts. I basically just had to let my mind wander and not focus on what I was doing.


brian said...

Nice, sounds like you didn't run this on the track? Gmap-pedometer?

No way in hell I'm running today.

Scott said...

Yeah, I just ran around Washington Square Park 6 times

Once around is ~.85km, 6*.85 = 5.1km.

Running felt fine after the first lap or so, as far as DOMS is concerned, but I'm definitely feeling it now.