Wednesday, August 29, 2007


WOD 070829

With a continuously running clock do one muscle-up the first minute, two muscle-ups the second minute, three muscle-ups the third minute... continuing as long as you are able.

Use as many sets each minute as needed.

Subbed 3 ring pullups and 3 ring dips instead after discovering that a ring muscle up was damn impossible at this point in time.

SS: 3/3, 6/6, 9/5
KL: 3/3, 6/6, 5/5 (interrupted by The Man)
ED: 3/3, 6/6, 6/6?

KL's set was stopped prematurely by a security guard who told us that we couldn't hand the rings from the chainlink fence cross bar. Good thing he never saw me climbing on top of the batting cages where we initially planned to hang them...


brian said...

So the fabled muscle-up is as hard as they say, huh? Were the pullups and dips also much harder with the rings?

Can't believe they sent a security guard up there, wtf?

Scott said...

Well, it was dusk and I think he was there to close the roof down. At first he said, "I don't think they'd like you using those things there." Two minutes later it was, "Seriously, you can't use those at all." Then Kenway stopped his set.

The pullups weren't too bad, no more than a strict pullups really. The dips were pretty terrible though. It required waaaay more stabilization.

dep said...

I actually had the opposite problem from Scott--the pullups were terrible and the dips were ok--which says that you can probably stabalize better in whichever excersise you've got more strength going in. All in all, they are much harder than you'd think. We'er going to have to work on basic form and ring work for a while before we'll get the muscle-ups.

oh, and our quads are still sore.

kenny g said...

I's harder to do a kipping pull-up on rings than a bar, so the pull-up is pretty much a strict one. I agree with Scott, the dips were much harder for me (but the same can be said for bar dips and pull-ups).

When I saw the guard coming I jumped up on the rings right away, thinking being in the middle of something might deter him, it worked for a little while.

Maybe if I hadn't looked like such a danger to myself up there...