Thursday, July 26, 2007

ME Upper

sit-ups, push-ups, barbell complex 50#

7x3 weighted pull-ups
SS: 6x20#, 25#
KL: 7x20#

5x5 overhead press
SS: 95#,100#(failed 5th rep),100#(5th rep push press),
100# (failed 5th rep, reps 3&4 pushpress), 95#(reps 4&5 push press)
KL: 95#, 4x100#

plus an extra drop set of 11x65# overhead presses.

Had to get in a little exercise before brian's talk today. We're doing squats tomorrow, so we figured a bit of upper work was in order. Felt like work today, which is good, but Kenway's still getting over being ill, which is less good. Overhead presses were definitely hard today (if you couldn't tell) but it was nice to work through them

1 comment:

kenny g said...

This was tough today, whether due to the cold I'm still getting over or the general fatigue from Angie I'm not sure. Pull-ups were tough and I was shorting almost every third rep - probably should have dropped to 15#.

The overhead presses actually felt much better. Noticed there is a pretty narrow range of grips where I was able to apply good force.

My coach in college used to tell us: think of each workout as a deposit in the bank - when the race was on the line and you were exhausted, slugging it out stroke for stroke with another crew mere feet away, you want something there to draw (or withdraw) from.

Well, today felt like a deposit kind of day...