Monday, July 16, 2007

ME Lower 8

front/back squat
overhead lunge
shoulder press

10-5-5-5-5 overhead squat (45,65,95,105,115)

~10x2 deadlifts (started with triples at 205-245, doubles up to 275, missed lockout twice on 285, turns out I was using the fatter barbell. suck.)

3x1:15 front plank
3x1 (per arm) turkish get-up (45# plate)

Haha, jinx guys. Running on fumes today, but had a couple of other inspiring guys on the squat racks; one was squatting 525# and the other was doing 15-20 reps at 205#, and puking into the trashcan after each set. Found it hard not to put some effort into it.

Then walking home I saw some woman across the street choking to death in a restaurant. It was serious, she was really making some awful wheezing sounds. Her date was trying to Heimlich, but it was super weak, and he looked like he was giving her a backrub instead. She kept pointing at her sternum and trying to get him to push harder. Then a woman who looked like the cook came out (she was rather sturdy), gave the woman one sharp hug, and out came some food. Strength matters.

In case you ever need to Heimlich your dog:


kenny g said...

Um, is that what they call it now?

kenny g said...

Seriously, the choking situation is extremely scary - I've been in both situations, ones where I was choking and felt helpless panic and ones where someone I was with was gagging. Luckily none of those progressed to the point of necessitating the Heimlich.

Agreed, though, that strength is important - not just in carrying out what needs to be done, but in the confidence it gives you that you could do it, that you should step up and in.

brian said...

Good thing you didn't have to try the self-Heimlich on a chair.

dep said...

Yeah, it is one of those things like CPR where I'd like to think I could do it if needed. Well, in the case of CPR, it's been too long since I was certified and there's the whole getting sued problem. But, if might not be a bad idea to practice finding the right pressure point.

Oh, and damn! That was a fine workout for being solo! Quite impressive. It's always easier to push when you've got others around. I was thinking while biking yesterday that it would be nice to just stop. When we're doing a workout together or when I used to bike with my friends I can always seem to push harder.