Clean up!
back squat
overhead squat
front squat (worked up to singles at 185#)
hang cleans (worked from bar up to 115#)
7x1 cleans (2x115 [each rep followed by 2 front squats],3x125,2x130)
2x1 back squat (185,195 [not great, GMing out of the hole])
Wow, squat cleans are tough. First time pulling from the floor. Had the truly awesome experience of landing in a full squat with my feet too narrow, and then just falling over backwards with the bar in the catch position. As I fell, I wondered, "Will I die when the bar crushes my throat?" Thankfully, the plates on the bar were big enough that I was able to extricate myself and continue. I am proud to have fully stopped all conversation in that part of the gym.
Hey Brian, glad you're allright, but I must admit that's a pretty funny mental image...
Nice work on the front squats, you're really getting the weight up there.
Thought you would appreciate that image. The best part is that as I was on my back pinned under the bar, I heard, "Oh shit ..." from the 4 dudes shrugging 405#, followed by "He's fine, he can get it off his neck."
Yeah, that's one of those 'seems really funny--for the first thirty seconds--until you think about the pain and possible injury' images. Like the person who was walking along reading and almost fell into one of those open basement loading stairs under a shop. Luckily, he hit is shin/foot with a huge bang rather than actually just disappearing down the stairs.
Love the crowds reaction. Did anyone actually help?
I read this post a few hours ago, and I'm still chuckling over it. Glad you didn't get seriously injured. Good thing you were using big enough plates though.
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