Clean work
10x2 hang power cleans (worked up to 115, BL did one set at 125 and the last at 135, last few paired with 2 front squats)
Mostly a skills day as everyone is pretty new to cleans. Problems revolved around 1) receiving the bar correctly (weight was light enough that it wasn't the limiting factor, maybe even too light), and 2) coordinating the hips and arms during the pull. I think more front squats will help develop shoulder flexibility and confidence in being able to receive the bar. There's gonna be some clavicular bruising tomorrow.
Lots of good info from Dan John in this video. He focuses on the snatch, but it applies to the clean for the most part as well (I like his bow and arrow analogy).
This guy is doing a shoulder press, but the position is a good example of a bad catch if it were the finishing position of a clean. Since his elbows aren't raised and his chest is caved in, his delts can't help cushion the bar. The bar would have smashed into his clavicles if this were a clean.Compare this to the photos of Natalie Woolfolk here. That post also contains a link to a video of that record-breaking clean and jerk. It really is a perfect lift. Watch and memorize.
10x2 worked up to 115, failed at 125, back to 115 for remainder
That was a great technique workout for me, I learned a lot just by watching Brian and going through the movements. Was initially driving with legs, until I got the idea that it's hip drive and lower back/glute contraction snapping the bar up (thinking of leaning back and keeping the bar motion vertical helped a lot). Once that was comfortable, it was easier to not want to pull with my arms as much.
Today, I feel the soreness in my traps and lower back mostly.
Ya, my traps are really sore! It's a very fun lift; used by lots of athletes to cultivate explosive strength.
Yeah, definitely would like to work more Oly lifting in!
Any of these sound brutal ...
21-15-9 reps:
Clean 135 lbs
Ring Dips
30 reps for time:
Clean and Jerk 135 lbs
"Linda" (aka "3 bars of death")
Deadlift 1 1/2 BW
Bench BW
Clean 3/4 BW
I've looked at these for a while, I still don't think I could do any of them without scaling the weight. I'm up for trying sometime soon...
Yeah, I enjoyed starting to work on the technique. I'm amazed by the position trace of one pull from that video. The bar tracks almost straight up, peaks and falls neatly back onto the arms (extended). you can watch the power transfer trough the body to move the bar, but it just goes straight up.
The path analysis videos are awesome. There are more on youtube, search under "ironmaven".
nicely done gentlemen.
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