Thursday, August 1, 2013

Hitting a Hill

Today I went back to hard pace intervals (8x1:30x1). Last time it looked like this, but today after a warmup on a slow descent, it was flat for the first two intervals, and then there were 150 of elevation in the third interval. My goal was 6:30min/mi for each interval, I was not even close. Not only did I fall apart on the hill, but it it took quite a while to recover. Here are my splits.

Split 1: 6:35
Split 2: 6:16
Split 3: 10:19
Split 4: 7:54
Split 5: 7:21
Split 6: 6:50
Split 7: 6:48
Split 8: 6:22

On the upside, my heart rate peaked at 173, which is not bad considering the effort I was exerting.

I did a few more things before. Specifically 6 burpees and dead hangs and pullups on a 4x4. I did 5 sets of: 10 seconds hang (open hands), 10 seconds rest, 5 pullups (open hands), 10 seconds rest. These proved to be surprisingly hard, a sign I don't climb enough.


kenny g said...

Wow that hill really had an effect!

Good on you to get your splits back down afterwards...

kenny g said...

While I'm at it, I agree with Jess that your nomenclature makes my head spin.

May I suggest:

8x [1:30 on, 1 off]

g said...

OK. I can't argue with a neuroscientist and an lawyer.