Tuesday, July 30, 2013


4 burpees

6x [1m on, 1m off] run
fast pace (?)

Since G and I are biting the bullet and committing to a Tough Mudder race in October, we're making it a cardio month: trying to run consistently, and restarting the burpee challenge. I'm definitely behind G, who was running consistently in Berlin and way faster than me now. Need to rebuild an aerobic base.

Ran 6x minute intervals today. Almost quit at 4 when my asthma started in but had the image of Guillaume's face hanging over me - scary enough to keep going. GPS was off today, no way I was going as fast as Runkeeper says. My best guess is around 6:30 pace.

1 comment:

g said...

Indeed I was looking at you!

Tough mudder, burpee challenge, and cardio August: way to go dude.