Saturday, January 31, 2009

Burgener warm-up
hang power snatch + hang snatch (to 115#)

8x1 snatch (2x121,126,132,4x138 [f1,2,3])
1x(1+3) clean + jerk (110)
1x(1+2) clean + jerk (132)
4x1 clean & jerk (143,159,2x165)
3x1 back squat (high-bar, belt; 255,265,275 [f])

1x15 pullups

Got myself a three day pass to Equinox gyms to use the lifting platform at the Columbus circle location. Got all confused converting from kilograms. Jerks felt really sloppy; stepping forward with the back leg first cause weight was forward. Cleans felt easy, they are clearly outpacing my jerks. More overhead work? Squats were a bit rushed, and I lost the last rep as a consequence (stalled out at parallel).

Note to self to make sure to bail as if there isn't a rack there. I think it's a bad habit to bail in the rack by leaning forward to let the bar hit the pins. Better to bail by jumping forward so that it's automatic when you don't have a rack.


kenny g said...

Split jerks I presume?

brian said...

Yeah, haven't done squat jerks in a long while.