Friday, January 16, 2009

good mornings
overhead squat
front squat

5x3 front squat (185,195,3x205)
deadlift (worked to heavy double at 365)
5x3 weighted pullup (55# DB)

Front squats felt heavy, probably close to 90%. Might be worth testing 1RM in the near future. Deads were complete shit. First time pulling in the lifting shoes, and the first set at 315 felt really off. I switched back to my Chucks for a set thinking I must just be used to completely flat shoes. Go figure, I nearly fell over backwards without the heel. How can 3/4" make such a big difference? Figured I'd suck it up like Rip says and deadlift in the weightlifting shoes. Took a few sets working up to heavy double. My mechanics improved, but thoracic extension is still a problem. Not sure if I should worry about this, or just throw in a few sets of higher-rep, lower-weight deads as a direct upper back exercise.

Koklyaev pulling 405kg raw:

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