Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Texas week 2, volume

good mornings and overhead squats (45)
back squats to 5x155

5x5 squats
SS: 135, 145, 3x135
KL: 5x185
ED: 165, ?, 185, ?, 215

13 burpees (100 days of burpees)
pull-up ladder to 7 (mostly strict, some kipped at end)

Trying to get back into a little more regular lifting, both the slow lifts and some Olympic lifting. Last week was a warm-up to start up Texas again - skipped the intensity last week but plan is to start this week (3x1 or 3x2). Can bump up volume day to 190# next week. Still working the low-bar squats for posterior chain focus, but should add in some front squat or high-bar back squats for diversity; OHS should help. Scott did a nice job with a controlled high-bar squat today, and Eric tried low-bar for the first time with some real decent weight.

Am still on track with 100 days of burpees, started on 01/01/09. There's even a facebook page!


brian said...

Wow, most of the original gang!

Scott said...

Yeah, missed you for this one.

This is the first time I've squatted since coming back and I think I've realized a few things.
First, I was never driving properly through the heels, which means I was probably always leaning too far forward.
Second, my legs are hella weak and I need to be squatting at least once a week. The fifth rep of each of those sets was a real challenge to get through without breaking form, and even then my ass would occasionally lift before my back came with it. I think that means my hams are too weak, since I'd come a few inches above parallel and then reset the back and continue lifting.


brian said...

Scott, if your hips are shooting up a bit faster than your shoulders, it's unlikely your hammies are too weak. Rather, it likely means they're engaging hard to get the weight up, and your spinal erectors isn't quite strong enough to maintain your back angle. A little bit of this isn't too bad on a limit set. I've seen Rip ignore this when it's clear someone is doing a 5RM.

However, if it happens all the time, it might just be a form issue rather than a strength issue.

dep said...

I think my run was:
[165, 185, 185, 205, 215?/225?]