PMenu WOD, Day 4, Week 3, Strength 2
good mornings
back squat (high-bar; to 2x2x245 w/ belt)
split jerk (to 2x120)
Performance Menu WOD 103108
3x(1+1+2) muscle snatch + snatch balance + 2 OHS (95#)
split jerk (to heavy single; 135,145,155,160)
3x max strict pullups (18,10,8)
4x 250m row (52.7,53.8,56.8,54.6 sec)
The snatch complex felt terrible. Limited by my muscle snatch, but then I bailed on a snatch balance?!? I think I'll work it into my warm-up. Rows felt really rough. You know what they say about conditioning, Easy come, easy go. I am proof of the latter, now hopefully I can start providing evidence of the former.
Ivan Stoitsov 205kg clean & jerk:
I worked some snatch balance exercises with nothing but PVC for the first time last week. My coordination sucks. Nice looking pull-up numbers!
I find the snatch balance scary! If I understand it correctly, the barbell never moves up, which means you just have to move down really fast! It's really hard for me not to pop the bar up off my shoulders to give me more time to get under the bar...
Yep. I'll get under a clean without hesitation, but getting under a snatch or jerk is far more intimidating. Keep up the PMenu work - I'm following your progress!
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