Sunday, December 21, 2008

PMenu WOD, Day 2, Week 1, Bulgarian 2

back squat (high bar; to 2x2x225)
Burgener warm-up
power snatch / snatch (to 85#)

Performance Menu WOD 111108
muscle snatch (heavy single; forgot to do)
1x70%-1x80%-1x70%-2x1x80% snatch (95,105,95,2x105)
4x1x80% power clean & jerk (145)

4x1 (per arm) TGU + windmill (20kg KB)
3x pullups (15,12,10)

Spaced on the muscle snatch, but I did lots of warm-up snatches. Snatch is getting more comfortable, although I occasionally bump the bar too much horizontally and send weight on a loopy path. I caught the first rep at 105 a bit on my toes, likely from not committing to the turn-over. Jumped back slightly on the last rep, not sure what that is about.

Nearly killed myself using 24kg for the Turkish get-ups (man, the bigger kettlebells feel awkward to hold overhead). Left arm is weaker than the right, and I almost dropped the weight on my face while laying down due to a momentary lapse of focus. Looked up and saw a security camera; I'm sure the guys at the front desk got a good laugh. Denied them any further pleasure by downgrading the weight.

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